Dash boards form a critical component through which user’s access project management information. The dashboards show ........ in various graphical formats (bar charts, line charts, pie charts, Gantt chart etc.) summary information about actual, planned, budgeted data on various tasks and activities Following project information is displayed. Engineering (physical) and financial information (budgeted, planned, and actual) . ,Project health information, Dashboard to different user profiles to display relevant information, Issues and hindrances (list and status).
Relevant, timely and correct data capture is critical for users to really benefit from the system. The package allows capture of data like tasks,... milestones, BOQ etc.. from RFC, POs through bulk data import from excel, CSV as well as forms. Project status update on RAs, Measurement book,milestone status etc.. Through web forms or phone app.
Alert is a very important feature that follows principal for reporting by exception, Alerts (email and optionally SMS) are sent to different users alerting on...... actions not taken on -time/ delay in project implementation/resource utilization. These are configured based on user profile and relevance in order not to overcrowd alerts messages which reduce utility.
Document management is a very critical part of any project management specially engineering projects . which involve specifications,... engineering drawings, P & ID diagrams and many more type. In addition financial documents like POs, bills raised, also form a critical part of documents list. The modul. The module provides following service. Helps capture document details and define work flows. Check-i/Check out documents. Update status of documents (submitted/ reviewed/revision requested/rejected/accepted/.). Allow categories of users like Submitter/reviewer/end client admin. Multiple versions supported. Document encryption. Tracing activities on documents. Alerts to relevant users.